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Thursday, October 29, 2009

When i care, some people think im just fake. When i say something, some people think i am being insensitive. What exactly is wrong with myself? I think i should just shut the hell up and retreat myself.

Updated@7:28 AM

Friday, October 23, 2009

It has been 8-9 months into JC life now, and last Thursday and Friday was no doubt the happiest days in these 8 months. Sports carnival was awesome. It was so fun that i didnt want to stop even though i was shag like shit.

It all started on Thursday with a bang when Anooja saying " HAVE FUN!". Thursday was inter-PDP games. I was at the grandstand booth with Shaun, Yi Min and Yan, while the others were at their respective PDPs playing games. Shaun and Yan were the host and me and Yi Min were the extras, and Yan kept suaning me about it.... After that, i was like damn bored, so i went to join my PDP at the dodgeball area. Dodgeball was really fun, and we managed to grab second place in our group. Darren senior threw a ball at a girl's boobs and all of us instantaneously drop jaw. Awkward silence. Then laughs.

Then we moved on the four way captain ball. At first, we saw the volleyball guys totally owning the other 3 teams. Because the game is sort of in a round robin match up, we realise we would face volleyballers soon. THEN YAN CAME UP WITH THIS RIDICULOUS IDEA. DAMN EPIC. Dance, guitar and squash formed alliance, all against volleyball. MUAHAHAHA. and i was blocking the volleyball captain. At last, they only got 1 goal while the others had like 5-6 or sth like that. I whacked away like 10 balls..... imagine 3v1 they still can try to score more than 10 times..... if its 1v1v1v1 ...........

After all those, we geared up for WINDSURFING! Freaking fun. we met at the canteen. had lunch and heard some of the girls say this joke. I dunno if its G Nat or Noelle who said someone looks like hello kitty. Then Yan immediately said " you mean she got no mouth? ". OMG EPIC SHIT. Oh and windsurfing was AWESOME. We were taught by a few instructors and one of them has Obama ears and shariff eyes. I was like WOAH. Ok anyway, we tried windsurfing on the simulator first. I actually thought it was quite okay. Then when we enter the sea...... Its like a totally different feeling. My legs were like jellified. But after some time...... i got the hang of it and was able to move, and turn. Oh and sea water entering the back of the nose is HELL. Damn painful. After all that, we went to simpang bedok to have dinner. First time there, cheesefries was awesome, prata sucked. Price? CHEAP LIKE HELL. 4 dollars still got change. For 2 pratas, 1 teh cino and cheesefries.

Friday was an even better day. So good that i will never forget. It was the day when we realized the we actually had class spirit!
First up was table-tennis, GOOD JOB GUYS! we won third. We sort of sailed through the preliminaries and entered the semi finals. We lost to 16/09 in the semis , very much due to the order of play. Although is quite unfair, we accepted it. For 3rd/4th match up, we needed 7 players. THKS GUYS FOR VOLUNTEERING, even though u guys have never touched a table tennis bat before, really appreciate it. After like 5 minutes, our class drew with the other class 3-3 with 1 more match to go. Alyssa's game was still going on at 9-9. It was like so dramatic. Finally alyssa won 11-9 and brought our class up 4-3. And we won 30 dollars swensens voucher.
After that we went to play captains ball, fun, but something unfortunate happened. There was this TA guy, i think Aaron or smth, who played really really rough. Comon, its just an inter-Cg game.....not like inter-school or something.... yea. When we tried to score , he jumped and elbowed Alyssa on the chest and she fell. it was like WTH la. We were freaking mad. How can a guy do that. Although we lost that match, it was all worth it, we saw their true colours and we totally owned them during Tug-Of-War. During Tug-Of-War, it was really the time when i saw class spirit. Maybe triggered by the previous incident during captains ball, we gave all that we have got during tug of war. No matter how painful it was, how rope burn our hands were, how hard it was to hang on the the rope, we perservered. Oh and i totally hate some TA people, they are from different classes and and acted like they were from the same class and played the game. WHATEVER, u guys just suck. Even if u guys did that, we still won. SUCK BALLZ. 17/09 WE TOTALLY ROCK. ROCK. ROCK.
Interhouse games followed and it was like a 1 class show. I wonder how many people actually stayed on for it....... but 17/09, i am damn proud of u guys for staying and trying the games even though u guys had no idea how to play it. I must say, its okay to lose, for we have already won from the start. Interhouse games was quite a disaster, Volleyball game was ridiculous. Whats with the allowed 1 bounce and holding the ball. Its totally NOT PRACTICAL and all the fun in the game was eroded. Tennis was quite ok because i know Chloe and I did our best. Good Job guys. I really hope we stay like this as a class and show the others we are the best class of all!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
To conclude, i would like to thank you guys for being around all the time, thank you guys for being so much fun !

Oh and this is for tiffany. I NEVER FORGET OKAY..... I think we should really meet up one day after all these crap PW ends. my PW ends on my birthday..... OP on my birthday..................................................................................................
SOUR..... Thk God for letting me not lose such a good friend like you.

Updated@7:51 PM

Monday, August 10, 2009

Finally, i could get some time to post. WR IS MAKING ME PISSED LIKE SHIT. nvm.... it got resurrected anyway.

On Sunday, which was also National Day, i went to Geylang's Branch of No Signboard Seafood to eat. It was a dinner that i enjoyed, but also a learning experience.

When i reach that place, the first thing i notice was the number of Chinese(from china) waiters there are. Just by looking, it could easily add up to around 20+. Their service was awesome and there was no sign of reluctance and complaint about their job.

Suddenly, i heard this bell rung and all the waiters lined up in a row to collect their dinner. They are actually lining up for their food. All of them were filled with smiles.

And me, sitting there, having crabs, while those waiters sitting on the other side, having plain rice with 2 dishes, mostly leftovers......... I really felt that i was very very fortunate. Really, if those waiters, getting paid only less than 500 sing dollars a month can stay so optimistic, why should we as students, without woes of food and shelter, be beaten by the small defeats in life.

Those waiters would look at us, not being hostile or anything. But from their eyes, i could tell that they desire a life like ours, they want a better life. They have families back in China waiting for them to send money back.....

I really wanna thank god, for i am being born into a family that isnt poor, and not exactly rich, and i am satisfied.

Updated@4:49 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So much had happened in the last few days. JCT results were really shocking. Subs which i expect to do well sucked to the max, unexpected stuff came out and gave me a shock of my life. I think i did quite well for JCTs though, with 5 subjects over 50 percentile and GP the only one with 48 percentile.

Overview of my grades. Please don't say i am showing off thks.... i always do this, for the past 2 years.

GP : 38.5/100 Grade : E Percentile : 48% (thks for moderating. I thought i was absolute failure....)

Math H2 : 75/100 Grade : B (WTF? i thought it was A) Percentile : 83%

Chem H2 : 42/100 Grade : E Percentile : 68%

Bio H2 : 47.5/100 Grade : E Percentile : 60%

Chinese H1 : 77/100 Grade : A Percentile : 91%

Econs H2 : 66/100 Grade : A Percentile : 100% (i suppose this is true. 1st in level)

OK average without counting econs ( i was on LOA, did at home. Didnt refer though, but went for lecture to go through essay. ) is 56/100. Woah.... that kinda sucks.

Updated@4:33 AM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ying Tai's new short hair looks cool.


Updated@4:33 AM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Must lives be lost before the government can take any action?

We have seen too many of this cases in a mere 43 year of Singapore history. From so many areas we can witness this for ourselves. Barriers on the MRT, implementation of seat belts on school bus, SARS incident (closing school only AFTER 1 person died from it. )

History is bound to repeat itself, but i hope i would'nt. Close school for 1 week isnt going to hurt. It's only A week, nothing is going to harm society as much as the virus.

If so much measures are already taken and the numbers are still increasing by 20-30 everyday, it would be much worse if school reopens. Great job Lee.

Updated@11:26 PM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ying Tai may just be the third H1N1 case in TJC.


Updated@3:01 AM


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Hui Min
Gabriel Lum
Shu Feng
Dai Ling
Yi Min


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